Dettaglio notizia

«Labor History», n. 1/66 (2025)

|   Letture

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Di seguito l'indice del nuovo fascicolo di «Labor History»: 

  • T. J. Minchin, Long haul unionism: Southern labor history and the struggle to organize Volkswagen in Chattanooga, Tennessee
  • C. Llanos-Reyes, J. A.  González-Pizarro, M. Sánchez-Mosquera, Broadening contexts: Spanish trade unionism in the face of the economic crisis and technological change, 1970-1987. The case of Comisiones Obreras
  • C. Torve, "The mendacious Irish character": Molly Maguire, anti-Irish sentiment, and anti-labor propaganda in the American press, 1880–1920
  • L. M. Katiyatiya N. Lubisi, The current social protection discourse, gig economy within the advent of COVID-19: some emerging legal arguments
  • G. Mongin, Who is the "one best man"?: Taylorism and personality tests (1924-1955)
  • C. Huang, H. Xu, H. Li, Catch me if you can: informal tourism employment of locals in scenic-oriented rural communities
  • F. J. Marco-Gracia, Revisiting the effect of height on wages in a historical context: the case of the city of Zaragoza (Spain), 1924
  • M. Venegas, Covert politics of competing leadership: Antonio Orendain, Cesar Chavez, and union politics in the Rio Grande Valley, 1965-1982

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