8. Women and Gender Relations in the Labour Force: The Case of Mining, 1500-2000


Ángel Pascual Martínez Soto (Universidad de Murcia, Spain), Miguel Pérez de Perceval Verde (Universidad de Murcia, Spain) & José Joaquín García Gómez (Universidad de Almería), The women’s work at the Spanish mining, 1860-1940

Rossana Barragán (International Institute for Social History, The Netherlands), Women as “informal workers” in the silver mines of Potosi in the 18th century

Leda Papastefanaki (University of Ioannina, Greece), Family and labour in the Greek mines, 1860-1940

Discussant: Raffaella Sarti (University of Urbino)

Discussion about future plans for the project “Women and gender relations in the labour force. The case of mining, 1500-2000”.